2014 FDC Feature Additions
Below is a list of 2014 FDC Feature Additions. For additional documentation reference the manual or the Knowledge Base.
Proper builds are required to access features
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Changes the text of hyperlinks to blue and underlined -
Canvas Click Through
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Drills user into specific item on a Canvas when they double click that package, item, discount, etc. -
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Allows users to add the current Location to the Canvas via a 'Label' -
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Allows users to add the current Order Type to the Canvas via a 'Label' -
Employee Email Address
1. Build14.9.28
2. Addition of Employee Address field in Employees -
Offline / Online Support Notifications
1. Build14.9.28
2. Allows you to setup Support Notifications when the customer goes onand offline
3. NolongerrequirestheAlertsmodule -
Print Single Quantity on Chit
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Displays a "1" in front of all items with a single quantity -
Item Count Daily Report Average Price Export
1. Build14.9.28
2. Average selling price of an item now available for Export on the Item Count Daily report -
Balance Due on Rear Display
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Displays the Balance Due on the rear display for Order Confirmation boards -
Safe Count Information
1. Build14.9.28
2. Allows users to enter safe counts, petty cash, deposits and drawers for a daily running safe/cash count -
Weekly Safe Count Report
1. Build14.9.28
2. Provides a weekly Safe Count report when using Safe Count Information -
Activity Report - Net Cash Only
1. Build14.9.28
2. Allows users to only display the Net Cash on the Activity Report
Open Cash Declaration
1. Build14.9.28
2. Option added to the cash screen so users can enter the total cash in drawer without having to use monetary denominations -
Transfer Combine - Remove Order Type Restriction
1. Build 14.9.28 -
Separate Chit by x Count
1. Build14.9.28 -
Revenue Center report
1. Build 14.9.28 -
Deposits added to Sales by Day
1. Build 14.9.28 -
Gross Sales Option on Daily Sales Report
1. Build 14.9.28 -
Menu Item Report Enhancements
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Adds Additional Options for the report like Name and Price -
Automatic Menu ID Numeric Creation
1. Build14.9.28
2. Allows the user to automatically assign a numerical ID when creating menu items -
Disable Auto Swipe of Credit Card
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Disables the auto swipe by Location -
Drawer Open Audit Report
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Added to the Discount/Void Audit Report
3. Shows who opened the drawer and at what time -
Order Type Report
1. Build 14.9.28 -
Open Cash Drawer on Partial Payment
1. Build14.9.28
2. Global setting allowing the cash drawer to open on payment, prior to the check being closed -
Offline Loyalty Indicator
1. Build14.9.28
2. Icon on the Front of House screen when Loyalty is Offline -
Cash Drawer Compulsion for Printer Driven Drawers
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Users can now use the Job Right 'Prevent Use if Drawer Open' with printer driven cash drawers in addition to serial
%P Displays Price on Canvas Button
1. Build14.9.28
2. When %P is added to the 'Menu Name' the current price of that menu item will display in the Front of House
3. ThisexcludesSpecialMenusandVIPpricing -
Email on Credit Card Approval Screen
1. Build14.9.28 -
Require Customer by Order Type for Delivery
1. Build14.9.28
2. Requires a user have a Customer on the Check prior to sending or exiting -
Require Reply to Messages
1. Build 14.9.28
2. Allows a manager to require that an employee reply to a message
3. Employees must have the ability to 'Reply to Messages' in Job Rights
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