2013 Feature Additions
Below is a list of 2013 Focus Feature Additions. For additional documentation reference the manual or the Knowledge Base.
Proper builds are required to access features.
1. Remote Check Formats (Course/Position) Option added
1. Build13.1.03
2. When a remote check is printed it will print Course 1 and then positions followed by Course 2 and positions.
2. Remote Check Formats User (NotOwner)
1. Build 13.1.17
2. Option to print the employee that fired the check, not the owner of the check.
3. Examplewouldbeamanagerthatfireditemsthatwereonholdonaserverscheck.
3. Job Right > Mobile Station Assignment Added
1. Build 13.1.24
2. Allows user to assign mobile devices when using Focus Mobile iOS app
4. Clear Command Added
1. Build 13.1.30
2. Removes check from the Rear Display
5. Modifiers can display images on the Rear Display
1. Build 13.1.30
6. Employee Certification Dates
1. Build 13.2.10
2. Name 2 certifications in Misc>General>Timekeeping
3. Will require manager approval if employees certification is expired
4. Good for food and bar certifications
5. Good for delivery Drivers License and insurance cards for drivers
7. IP Printer Support for Guest Checks
1. Build 13.4.1
2. Setup IP Guest check printers in Printers > Printers and then add them to the Stations in Locations > Stations
8. Job Hours included on Interval Report
1. Build 13.4.1
9. Tip Credit Support for Overtime
1. Build 13.4.1
10. Check Filter Option > Employee (Current)
1. Build 13.4.5
2. Finds checks for the employee logged in
3. Can be used in Bars to Find MyChecks in the Tab list
11. Option to send a response to the Online Ordering Company created
1. Build13.4.17
2. In Misc > General > Online Ordering > Online Ordering > Response
3. Sends information back to the Online ordering company that we received the order
12. Ability to Scroll the Canvas Ribbon with the touch of your finger instead of the arrow key
1. Build 13.4.17
2. Mimics current technology use
13. Instant Messaging
1. Build13.1.29
2. Job Right > Check for messages at login
3. Each time an employee logs into Focus the system looks for messages. Allows managers to send messages to servers instantly.
14. Transfer Items Command Added to packages
1. Build 13.5.14
2. Allows user to transfer items from one check to another
15. Transfer Seat Command Added to packages
1. Build13.5.14
2. Allows user to transfer an entire seatfrom one check to another
16. Future Order > Print Lead Time
1. Build 13.5.14
2. Allows user to configure a Lead time on Future orders sent to the kitchen when not sent when moved.
17. Delivery Fees by zone
1. Build13.5.14
2. Allows users to assign an order type fee or gratuity to Zones by time ranges.
18. Kiosk Mode
1. Build 13.8.28
2. Kiosk mode in Locations > Locations eliminates Command Ribbon and Canvas Ribbon
19. Delete Tracking
1. Build 13.5.23
2. Allows users to track each time a user hits the delete button.
3. Configured in Misc > General
4. Displayed on the Audit report
20. MyFocus Loyalty Offline Ability
1. Build 13.6.25
21. Station Type Added
1. Build 13.8.27
2. Now you can select Full Focus, Mobile (RDP) or Focus Mobile
22. Open Table Interface
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Requires Module
23. Daily Item Count Top and Bottom Menu Items
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to create a report showing the top selling menu items or the bottom selling menu items.
3. Good for menu changes
24. Change Due Screen Time Out
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows the change due screen to automatically time out and return to the default login method.
3. Great for busy bars - saves a touch.
25. E-mail on Change Due Screen
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows users to email guest checks from the Change Due screen
26. Customer > New Customer Map Command
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to view the location of a new customer to determine if they are in the delivery zone
27. Customer > Print Credit Card Voucher when Assigned
1. Build13.9.27
2. Eliminates users forgetting to attach credit card slips to deliveries. Slip does not print until assigned to a driver
28. Employee Export in Comma Delimited Format
1. Build 13.9.27
29. Prep Modifier Prices
1. Build 13.9.27
2. User scan assign any price # to Prep Mods in Misc > General
30. Reply Messages Job Right
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users who can't send messages to reply to messages
31. Employee Meal Payments Lookup
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows employees to touch Account and display a list of employees to charge to
32. Sales by Day Report
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to run a report by Day (i.e.Monday, Tuesday, Etc)
33. Balance Adjust for Customer Accounts
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows user to adjust all the balances of accounts currently on the screen.
3. Do only adjust certain accounts, do a Find first
34. Tab List Check Filters
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows for 3 additional check filters on the tab screen
3. Good for To Go Orders, My Tabs, All Tabs
35. Account TRX/Statement Check Number Hyperlink
1. Build 13.9.27
2. You can drill through to the Check when viewing this report on the screen
36. Item Summary Format added to Remote Check
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Sums up the items on the check
3. Example - 10 Pork Chops
37. Delivery Information added to the Remote Check Formats
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows delivery information to be printed on the remote check
38. New Keyboard
1. Build 13.9.27
39. Reprint Paid Out Vouchers
1. Build13.9.27
40. Future Order Option added to the New Customer Data Entry Screen
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to enter a Future Order for a New Customer more easily
41. Points Offline Package Added for MyFocus Loyalty
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to enter points when offline
42. Menu Specific added to packages
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows users to select a specific Menu from Locations > Locations
43. Time Range Enhancements
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Added Date Range, Day of Month Filter
44. Minimum required to apply discount
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows for $5 off purchase of $25
45. General > Credit/Gift/Loyalty/Customer Job Right Added
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows user store strict access to this section
46. Configure Name to Display on Daily Item Count Report
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows you to pick the Menu Name, Check Name or Remote name to display on the report.
3. Great for kitchen staff
47. Kitchen Comments added to the audit report
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Allows you to create a report for Kitchen Comments
48. Menu Item Specific Price Added to packages
Build 13.9.27
Allows you to configure a specific price # for a menu item. You no longer have to use a price level. You can now select a Menu Item like Hamburger and assign price #4.
49. Focus Mobile - Discounts
1. Build13.9.27
50. Focus Mobile > Email Guest Checks
1. Build 13.9.27
51. Focus SQL Module
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows access to all raw data
52. Customer Account Number added to Remote Check formats
1. Build13.9.27
53. Account number range added to Gift Card Report
1. Build 13.9.27
2. Helps customers who use different card ranges for Promo cards
54. Option to disable printer in Reroute Printers
1. Build13.9.27
55. Day of week added to Sales by Day report
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows users to run report for only Mondays, or specific day of week
56. Confirmation added when printing all checks from the check viewer
1. Build13.9.27
2. Eliminates a lot of wasted paper
57. Pre-Gratuity Total format added to the Guest Check Formats
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows you to remove this from the guest check making the guest check easier to understand
58. Menu Item Maximum increased to 15,000items
1. Build13.9.27
59. Un-split Item Added
1. Build13.9.27
2. Allows you to un-split a menu item
60. Payroll Report File Format > Comma Delimited No Quotes added
1. Build 13.10.1
2. Used for Paycom simple payroll export
3. Note that Paycom does not work with tipped employees and multiple jobs
61. Future Order Option added to Weekly Item Count Report
1. Build13.10.21
2. Allows users to run a report with all the future order menu items
62. MyFocus Loyalty by phone number
1. Build13.10.21
2. Allows customers to use phone number instead of an account number or card
63. California Weighted Average Daily Overtime Added
1. Build13.10.21
64. Increased number of Alert recipients to10
1. Build13.11.5
65. Drop Warning
1. Build13.11.12
2. Allows a set dollar amount to be in the cash drawer or with server before a warning prompts to do a drop.
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