This Knowledge Based Article will explain how to create Locations (machines) ConnectWise Screen Connect Remote Support Software platform. How to Assign those users to Machines for Remote Login Purposes.
By the end of this article you will be able to:
1. Create User Accounts / Assign Users for Remote Access to Machines
Things You Will Need To Create User Accounts:
1. User Email Address - After Creating the User an email invite will be sent to the email you provide in the user creation process.
Additional Resources:
ConnectWise onboarding Video - Link to Video
How To Create User Accounts
1. Login to the ConnectWise Focus Admin Portal
2. Use the MenuBar on the Left Hand Side of the Screen and Select -> Admin -> Security
3. From the Security Tab under Internal click on "Show User Table"
4. Click on Create User from the User Table which will take you to the Create User Window
5. In order to create a New User account you will need a working email address from the individual.
1. User Name: Use the Email Address as the User Name
2. Password: Focus123! (This is just an example, you can set any pwd you'd like just make sure to make note of what you assigned.
3. Verify Password: Focus123!
4. Make Sure "Force Password Change at Next Login" is checked off, this will prompt the user to change the password upon their next Login.
5. Email: Enter a vaild email address
6. Role(s): Set this to "My Stations"
7. Click Save User
6. After creating the user account Navigate back to the Left Side Menu Bar and click on Access
7. Use the Search Machine Bar in the Top Right Corner to Locate the Machine the user is requesting access to. Right Click on the Machine and click on Edit. You will be redirected to the Edit Sessions Page
8. To Assign a user to a particular machine you will need to add the user you created by clicking on the Down Arrow. You will then have a drop-down window allowing you to choose the user you would like to assign to this machine. Click Save Sessions
9. You can let the user know that they will receive an email to complete the registration process.
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