How to Setup iPad Solution with Focus RDP
If running more than one iPad on a PC, Thinstuff or a like product is required Required O/S includes: Windows 7 Pro, POSReady7
Required iOS is Version 7.X and higher
Card Reader will not scan when being charged
Process to Setup Focus RDP
Step 1: Setup Windows and Users
- Setup PC following standard procedures as implemented by dealership
- Create the Windows user that can connect to the Remote Desktop session
- Create Users ipad 1, ipad 2, etc
- Set passwords
Note: Setup these users on both Focus and Backup
- Navigate to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Remote
- Select 'Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer'
- Select 'Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop'

- Your Firewall settings will automatically be adjusted

Step 2: Setup Focus
- Navigate to Location > Stations
- Create a 'Station' for each iPad
- Name = Device description such as Bar iPad, iPadServer, iPadCocktail
- Computer Name = ipad 1 or Windows user created instep 1
- Working Directory = C:\Focus\Images
- Location = Desired Location
- Messages = Local
- Printers = Setup default printers
- Station Type = Station Mobile
- Restart Options = None

Step 3: Ensure the network is setup using the PCI PA-DSS Implementation Guide (Available at:�https:/- /
Step 4: Setup iPads
- Join Network
- Remove unnecessary applications and icons
- Lock Rotation by using the 'Side Switch'

Note:�If the side switch mutes the iPad, change the settings by navigating to Settings > General > Use Side Switch to: 'Lock Rota- tion'
Step 5: Install Focus RDP on each iPad
- Download Focus RDP through the App Store
- Navigate to Settings > General > Focus RDP and enter in the following settings
- Host = IP address of PC hosting the RDP connection
- Port = TCP port used for the RDP connection (default=3389)
- Username = Windows Username setup in Step 1
- Password = Windows User password setup in Step1
- Color Depth = The number of colors to display for the connection (Recommended=16)
- Allow Double Clicks = Off
- Auto Reconnect = On

Step 6: Launch Focus RDP
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