Posting Labor Schedule via FocusLink
FocusLink integrators can leverage FocusLink to post a Labor Schedule for Labor Schedule Enforcement.
The Data Model for an Integrated Labor Schedule is fairly straight forward.
“storeId”: integer/number <storeKey>,
“source”: string <integrator name>,
“items”: [
“employeeId”: string <Employee ID2 value>,
“jobId”: string <Job External Scheduling ID>,
“startTime”: Formatted datetime <Individual Employee Schedule Clock In Datetime (see below)>,
“endTime”: Formatted datetime <Individual Employee Schedule Clock Out Datetime (see below)>,
“comment”: string <Integrators comment for schedule event>
Datetime format for LabortScheduling should be in HH:MM mm/dd/yyyy format. Example:
19:00 02/12/2020
Integrators will need to have a FocusLink Labor Schedule license and a valid HMAC Signature (see Generating HMAC Authentication Header for Focus-Link Access)
Once an Integrator license has been obtained, integrators will POST the above payload to:{storeKey}/pos/schedules/send
Upon successful post, a TransactionKey will be returned for future reference & query:
"transactionKey": "H0pF4etvvHcCEiA="
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