FocusLink: Basic Authentication Header
FocusLink Integrators use Basic Authentication to authenticate to the FocusLink API.
Basic Authentication is an industry-standard authentication method, and you can read more about it here.
Your Authentication Parameters
When you become a FocusLink Integrator, you're provided a License Key and a License Secret.
- License Key
- The value that identifies you as a FocusLink Integrator.
- Max size 36
- License Secret
- Your super-secret password. This value is unique to you as an integrator and should not be shared with anyone outside of your team.
- Max size 36
Creating your Basic Authentication Header
- Using your unique License Key & License Secret, concatenate the values separated by a colon (":") > Base64 Encode the concatenated value. Prepend the word "Basic" to the value.
- This value should be used in the "Authorization" key of your HTTP header.
- Example:
License Key: Your-License-Key
License Secret: Your-Super-Secret-License-Key
Authorization Header: Basic WW91ci1MaWNlbnNlLUtleTpZb3VyLVN1cGVyL
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