FocusGift API: Activating Cards
The FocusGift API allows integrators to activate gift cards via the restaurant's website or the integrator's eCommerce gateway.
FocusGift Integrators must have valid FocusGift API Credentials before attempting to use the FocusGift API.
For assistance with becoming a registered FocusGift integrator, please contact Focus CA Client Ops at
FocusGift Activation Endpoint:
- URL:
- Method:
- Required Headers:
- Authorization
- FocusGift utilizes Basic Authentication
- Using your unique License Key & License Secret, concatenate the values separated by a colon (":") > Base64 Encode the concatenated value. Prepend the word "Basic" to the value. Use this as your Authorization header.
- Example:
License Key: Your-License-Key
License Secret: Your-Super-Secret-License-Key
Authorization Header: Basic WW91ci1MaWNlbnNlLUtleTpZb3VyLVN1cGVyLVNlY3JldC1MaWNlbnNlLUtleQ==
- Authorization
JSON Post Body properties:
- cardNumber
- The card number that you wish to activate
- storeId
- If you have been provided with a StoreId to utilize throughout your integration, place the storeId here. If you have NOT been provided with a StoreId, you may omit this property.
- refNo
- Reference number for your transaction. This value should be something that the Merchant can use to validate a transaction or match a transaction against your eCommerce Platform.
- amount
- The dollar amount that the guest wishes to activate on their gift card.
Sample Body:
"cardNumber": 5484515787,
"storeId": 88488,
"refNo": 94859894,
"amount": 15.00
Sample Response (200 - successfull call):
"status": "Successful",
"Message": "Account 4343434535345 activated successfully for 15"
Sample Response (Error 200 - card already exists):
"statusCode": 406,
"status": "Not Acceptable",
"message": "Gift card already exists."
Sample Response (Error 500 - invalid License Credentials):
"error": "License not found"
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